Kane & Neil

W e ' r e   g e t t i n g   m a r r i e d

July 20th, 2019

North Vancouver

The Groom

Humble, handsome and truly one of the most thoughtful people you'll ever meet. Kane was born in Red Deer, Alberta and moved to Vancouver in 1995. After spending several years living abroad in California, Japan and finally Australia, Kane settled back in Vancouver. His love for Australia showed up again when he met Neil in 2016.


The Groom

A man of two countries, Neil was born in Perth, Australia before moving to Canada in 1997. It was the draw of the mountains that first beckoned, a beautiful country, its people and many favoured opportunities. Neil has kept his close connection with Australia now clocking up 25 return trips, with many more to come...


We are waiting for..... The Adventure

Our Love Story

First meet

Summer 2016

One glorious Wednesday afternoon in Vancouver, Neil was introduced to Kane while attending a Church event. Then a few months later the now famous Church-carpark incident took place, where Kane literally walked out in front of Neil's car. This sparked the beginning of their incredible adventure.

First dates

January 2017

Coffee turned into wine, and hours of conversation later both guys knew the connection was real, yet many details were undiscovered. A month later, after a playful dinner, Kane finally conceded that these were indeed dates. The first of many...


July 20 2018

Under the disguise of a surprise birthday getaway, Kane whisked Neil away to Portland (for a very important Tiffany delivery) and then onto Cannon Beach. In the most magical setting Kane got down on one knee and proposed. The surprise continued as a photographer, arranged by Kane, documented the entire engagement. The photos from that day adorn the pages here, and our hearts forever.


Fall/Winter 2018-2019

Kane and Neil settled on a date for their wedding after finding a new Church home at Lynn Valley United. Their engagement included many wonderful trips with family and friends, including adventures together in San Diego, Sydney, Perth and Mexico.

We are going to... Celebrate Our Love

Wedding Events

× Please ensure you used the link from your invitation email to see all the events that you are invited to attend, and to be able to RSVP

The ceremony

Everyone is invited to join us at the Lynn Valley United Church to witness and participate in our wedding ceremony. Please be certain to arrive in advance of the Grooms' arrival at 4:30pm

All welcome

Champagne reception

Immediately following the ceremony will be a group photo at the front of the church, followed by a champagne reception with appetizers in the community gathering room. Children are welcome to stay and enjoy the festivities between 5:30pm and 7pm

Guests & children welcome


The long-table dinner will be held in the church sanctuary. A plated menu will be accompanied by a selection of white & red Wines, champagne, and beer. Please indicate on the RSVP if you would prefer a vegetarian option.

Please enjoy an Adults Only (19+) Evening

By invitation only. Cocktail attire to Wedding formal

Getting There

Transportation & Parking

Lynn Valley United Church is approximately 25 minutes drive from Downtown Vancouver and 10 minutes drive from Lonsdale Quay. There is limited parking for up to 30 cars underground at the Church, with additional street parking available in front of the Church on Mountain Highway. Taxis are easily obtained through North Shore Taxi at 604-922-2222 Please be responsible and arrange transport if you intend to enjoy celebrious beverages.

See location


The link below outlines a few accommodation options. Each of 3 hotels listed allows for close convenient access to the wedding venue.

See full hotel details

Gift Donations

In lieu of gifts, we welcome donations for a future volunteer trip with Habitat for Humanity.

Please click the button below to securely & privately send your gift online using PayPal or Credit Card.

Learn more about Habitat for Humanity, and their upcoming trip schedule.